YouTube Mega-Star Jeffree Star Reveals How Much Makeup Brands Pay Him For Exposure

Posted by Larita Shotwell on Wednesday, August 28, 2024

YouTube star and makeup guru Jeffree Star has disclosed how much he gets paid by makeup brands for trying on their products in front of his legions of fans and followers.

If you haven't heard the name Jeffree Star, you might have been living under a rock like Patrick Star. One of these is a mega-successful social media celebrity and the other is a cartoon starfish. The social media celebrity Star is one of the highest paid makeup endorses on the planet but people have long wondered what that really means and how much money this self-made makeup pro actually earns.

According to Cosmopolitan, Jeffree Star recently revealed to fellow YouTuber David Dobrik that he pulls in approximately $150 million each year thanks to his YouTube channel, cosmetic line and other side projects that Star has involvement with. While $150 million as an annual salary is impressive to say the least, Star also revealed that a certain makeup brand has offered to fork over $165,000 just for trying and promoting their product on his channel. What some people pay on a home mortgage is what Star can earn simply for trying out a beauty product. Star is clearly living his best life.


Star seems to be unique to other beauty influencers in that he has been working hard to expose beauty brand deals and wants there to be no mystery as to what he earns. Recently, Star tweeted, "Remember how I was going to film a video exposing makeup brand deals? The brand I was working with just bitched out and canceled because they are worried that the price they pay me, will upset their other clients... they don't want the $ exposed anymore."


As of this writing, Star hasn't revealed the name of the brand that canceled on him but we have a feeling after reading his tweet, the mystery company is likely regretting their decision knowing that their competition will probably jump at the chance to have Star promote their product.

"Hopefully I can find another company who would love the exposure, as well as talk about the secrets and 'behind the scenes' about brand deals in the beauty industry..." another tweet read. "2019 what's good? Who's not scared?"

We bet there are many makeup brands who are not scared to have Star take their brands to an intergalactic level of success in 2019.
