The Sun Square Uranus Urges Us To Embrace Change

Posted by Jenniffer Sheldon on Friday, September 6, 2024

The week ahead brings with it a blend of ferocity, opportunity, intensity, and restraint. As the winds of change blow, we prepare for 2021's first full moon in Leo, Jupiter's auspicious conjunction to the sun, Saturn's cosmic directives, the sun square Uranus, and Mercury stationing retrograde. It's a week to commit to your truth fiercely and your goals without hesitation while also humbly acknowledging that now is not time for all passions to be acted upon. This means embracing maturity and patience required for you to pace yourself and also acknowledging a call to make a higher contribution to the world beyond the self.

It begins on Monday with the sun in Aquarius making a sextile to Chiron, a healing combination that asks you to understand how pain opens the path to personal power. Given that the sun is close to Saturn, the planet that rules our purpose, the vibes feel sobering. Yet, amid what feels like restriction (hello, pandemic, and political turmoil), answers become animated. Leaning into and feeling what's emerging for you and needs to be acknowledged is essential to unearthing potential and grit. So, don't be afraid to make a substantial commitment to what you know you must do to move your life and path forward.

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On Tuesday, the sun square Uranus. Uranus is a critical player in the year ahead, as he will square Saturn three times over the coming months, and this square is one of 2021's most vital astrological features. Saturn in Aquarius, forming a fixed square to Uranus in Taurus, highlights the dissonance between where we are, collectively, and where we need to go to heal our society. The square between Saturn and Uranus perfects on February 17, June 14, and December 24. But we will feel it this week, especially on Tuesday, with the sun square Uranus, and our egos are asked to shake the shackles of control and embrace change.

On Tuesday, with the sun square Uranus, our egos are asked to shake the shackles of control and embrace change.

In practice, this will likely look like creativity and fresh perspectives on moving forward in your life, on your spiritual path, and in your relationship with others. Do not dismiss what comes up early in the week, because it's all part of the bigger picture. Receiving and integrating Uranus's directives for change now makes everything more manageable later. This transit might also leave you feeling like a shaken bottle of champagne ready to explode without a party to attend or occasion to celebrate. Even with the need for restraint, tap into the dynamic power of desire, curiosity, and creativity to see where this week's transits urge you to travel next.

At 9:53 p.m., ET on Wednesday, the moon moves from Cancer into Leo, the full moon's sign. While the full moon perfects on Thursday at 2:16 p.m., ET, when it opposes the sun at 9°05' of Leo, we will feel the full moon in full roar on Wednesday, too.

This full moon, nicknamed the wolf moon, unleashes creativity and some of the most promising astrological aspects of the year, but it's wrapped in complicated and challenging aspects, too. For starters, a full moon in Leo is a call to self-expression. With the moon in the sign of play, leadership, and self-expression (Leo), opposing the sun in the sign related to revolution, change, and out-of-the-box ways of being (Aquarius), it's a call to liberation, creative expression, and joy.

This sense is stronger, with Jupiter conjoining the sun at the time of the full moon, marking one of the most expansive and (potentially) prosperous aspects of the year. Yet, with Saturn conjunct the sun, opposing the moon, and in an applying square to Uranus, Saturn's influence holds back the floodgates, asking for maturity and discipline with regards to prevailing opportunities. Saturn wants us to look at long-term goals over short-term gains and maintain integrity with our emerging purpose and soul's direction.

Meanwhile, Venus in Capricorn conjoins Pluto at this full moon, exacerbating the intensity of desire. Venus conjunct Pluto can feel obsessive, especially with the sun conjunct Jupiter and Saturn at the same time. Use this to your advantage, especially for your creativity's fullest expression and the highest realization of ethics for all.

As the moon opposes the sun, Jupiter, and Saturn, while squaring Uranus and Mars, it forms a fixed T-square. While this can feel rigid and hard, we have to look at the fixed sign that isn't a part of this square, Scorpio, for the release point. Scorpio is the sign of intimacy, and it beckons the exploration of the erotic. Tap into your body's natural medicine and power. Spend some time with yourself, intimately. Pleasure is a part of healing, and this full moon asks you to explore your own. Doing so provides a much-needed outlet.

Also remember that we are in the middle of significant changes, and none of us are excused from contributing to our collective healing. Use this full moon to develop a deeper understanding of how you can personally contribute your creative expression and leadership to our collective destiny and future.

Come Saturday, Mercury stations retrograde at 26° of Aquarius. Mercury will travel retrograde until February 20. Consider what emerged for you when Mercury initially entered his retrograde shadow on Friday, January 15. Does anything prominent come to mind? If so, it will likely weave into Mercury's upcoming retrograde lessons. No matter what, know this: Mercury retrograde is nothing to fear. It's merely a time to probe even more deeply into the choices you are making. It's not necessarily a time to charge forward with new projects, but rather tie up loose ends and reflect on where you've recently journeyed.

Since this Mercury retrograde will happen in Aquarius, it will help us settle deeper into Saturn and Jupiter's lessons (they are also in Aquarius). Perhaps Mercury retrograde in Aquarius will offer wise directives from our intuitive guidance system on moving forward with future ambitions. Settle in, and listen up, because wisdom is coming—and, you don't want to miss it.

Jennifer Racioppi is the creator of Lunar Logic—a philosophy that integrates the deep wisdom of both science and spirituality, and blends her expertise in astrology, positive psychology, and women’s health—which she uses to coach high-achieving female entrepreneurs to reach their next level of success. Pre-order her book, Cosmic Health (January 2021), here.

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