While people are still creating memes of the white woman who called the police on two black men who were barbecuing in Oakland, others are taking a different approach when it comes to Aaron Schlossberg – a racist lawyer who was caught on tape harassing Spanish-speaking customers at a restaurant in New York City. People have reportedly booked a Mariachi band to pay Schlossberg a visit at his office.
A GoFundMe campaign was reportedly launched shortly after the incident with Schlossberg went viral. The account asked supporters to donate money in order to book a local Mariachi band. The campaign closed after receiving $1094 for its goal of $500. The page also suggests that it will be sending a taco truck to Schlossberg as well.
This isn’t the only event going down though. Apparently, another event called Latin Party at Racist Aaron Schlossberg’s Midtown Office, which will be hosted by the Unofficial DNC, will also be taking place this week. “Assuming all Spanish speakers are undocumented is not only ignorant but a little sad,” the event site reads. “It’s also a little sad that Mr. Schlossberg thinks all Hispanics are on welfare. However, Hispanics are not sad people and we will gladly educate you on our culture and language by throwing a big fiesta outside your office! ♥”
As previously reported, the now viral video (shared by Edward Suazo) shows Schlossberg berating an employee at Midtown’s Fresh Kitchen. “Your staff are speaking Spanish to customers when they should be speaking English,” he said.
He continued: “Every person I listened to, he spoke it. He spoke it. She’s speaking it. It’s America… So I will be following up, and my guess is, they’re not documented. So my next call is to ICE to have each one of them kicked out of my country. If they have the balls to come here and live off of my money. I pay for their welfare. I pay for their ability to be here. The least they can do, the least they can do is speak English.” After Twitter got ahold of it, users did what they do best and discovered Schlossberg was a lawyer in the city.
The “Latin Party” event will reportedly occur on May 18. The Mariachis Band is supposed to show up to The Law Office of Aaron M. Schlossberg Esq. P.L.L.C. the same day.