In the late 00s and early 2010s, a duo rose to internet fame for their crude yet irreverent comedy. Jake Hurwitz and Amir Blumenfeld started a series of online skits titled Jake and Amir for College Humor and quickly became the millennial Abbott and Costello. Their bits range from lampooning online culture to playing on Jake's insecurity, to Amir's disgusting narcissism.
The pair's show for College Humor, Jake and Amir, lasted for nearly a decade before the pair decided to call it quits and part ways with the comedy website. However, their videos remain on the College Humor channel for all to enjoy. Fans might be wondering where the pair is now, and hopefully, they will be happy to learn that they are still around, and they are still making videos. This is the story of Jake and Amir, and where are they now.
8 The 'Jake and Amir' Show Launched In 2007
The pair began making videos as a duo for College Humor in 2007, apparently just as a way to have fun while making content for the website. Jake would normally play the straight man to Amir's nonsensical character. The videos revolved around Amir's obsession with Jake and Jake's reluctant acceptance that he was friends with such a deranged monster. However, there are a few episodes that use Jake as the comic relief and Amir as the voice of reason, for example, there are many videos where Jake is ridiculously insecure, especially when he tries to be cool.
7 It Soon Became A Hit
The show quickly became a hit and College Humor began to pay the pair to make videos. Before long, they were one of the most famous comedy duos working on the internet.
6 'Jake And Amir' Ended In 2015
Jake and Amir left College Humor in 2015 to make their own content. In 2016 they started a new show, Lonely and Horny, which launched on Vimeo. They briefly returned to College Humor in 2016 to make a special episode lampooning the presidential candidacy of Donald Trump. Although no longer employees of College Humor, their old website picked up Lonely and Horny for its second season. However production on several College Humor series has ended — the website's parent company, InterActivCorp, pulled their funding in 2020, causing massive layoffs just before the Covid-19 pandemic started.
5 Some 'Jake and Amir' Videos Are Still Up On College Humor Channels
College Humor fans still watch the videos on CH's YouTube channels. In 2017, the pair reached their one billionth view. Rights and ownership of the content have been transferred over to Jake and Amir, and classic episodes now stream on a Jake and Amir YouTube channel that the pair run independently.
4 Jake And Amir Started A Podcast Network Called HeadGum
In 2013, the pair also launched their first podcast, If I Were You. Soon afterward they helped to start the podcasting network called HeadGum, which now has several podcasts broadcasting under its brand, including Girls On Porn hosted by Rachel Napoleon and Laura Ramadei, Gilmore Guys hosted by Kevin T. Porter, Dynamic Banter hosted by Mike Falzone and Steve Zaragoza, and several others. Amir also has his own podcast on HeadGum, Buckets With Amir Blumenfeld, where he discusses basketball. Amir is a big basketball fan and while working for College Humor he was lucky enough to make a few videos with retired Los Angeles Laker, Rick Fox.
3 'Jake and Amir' Is One Of College Humor's Most Successful Shows
Along with having over 1 billion views, Jake and Amir remains one of College Humor's most popular shows. And thanks to its popularity it became CH's longest-running series. The show was so popular it attracted a long list of guest stars, including Ben Schwartz (Parks and Rec), Thomas Middleditch (Silicon Valley), Kumail Nanjiani (Silicon Valley), and the girls from Broad City. Ed Helms (The Office, The Hangover) appeared in the series finale, finally putting a face on Mickey, an offscreen character that Amir would torture with lies and manipulation.
2 Jake And Amir Launched A Patreon
The pair officially returned to making videos in 2020 during the Coronavirus pandemic, first with a video on HeadGum's channel, bringing back the "Scroll" an ongoing bit where Amir reads nonsense tips about a random topic from an old piece of parchment. The pair also has a Patreon account where the pair podcasts and makes reaction videos to their old and most popular content.
1 Jake And Amir Are Back To Making Videos
With their return in 2020, the two have since come back with a vengeance and are now making videos for the Jake and Amir YouTube channel. Although their videos are less polished now than the ones they made for College Humor, probably because they have fewer production assets as independents, they are still amusing their fans with bits about scrolls, Jake's insecurities, and Amir's nonsense. So the answer to the question "where are Jake and Amir now?" is a simple one: they are still here, and they are still the millennial Abbott and Costello.