Demi Moore is known for her youthful looks and amazing body. But that doesn’t mean the 56-year-old actress is constantly exercising. In fact, the GI Jane star admitted on Instagram on Tuesday, May 28, that she was getting back into action “after not working out for over 4 years.”
To help get back on track and reclaim her washboard abs, she’s starting with The Mirror. Her Instagram video shows her filming a dance cardio class on the techy home workout device with her phone as she wears sweatpants and a sweatshirt. “15 min at level 1 that’s doable … right? I am stalling!” she wrote. In her narration she said, “This is going to be my next jam. Okay, here I go, wish me luck.”
Her strategy seems to be working so far! The next day, the author of the forthcoming memoir Inside Out posted a video of herself in a different sweatsuit — and a pair of Uggs — doing a workout. “15 min flew by! 😜Mirror mirror on the wall…. a tight🍑please!” the star wrote. She added hashtags including #lovinglife, #backinaction, #tightenup and #gijane.
The Mirror, released in 2018, offers interactive, on-demand workouts and has caught the eye of plenty of celebrities, including Alicia Keys, Reese Witherspoon, Ellen Degeneres and Gwyneth Paltrow. Celebrity trainer Tracy Anderson teamed up with the company in April 2019 to begin streaming original Tracy Anderson Method workouts taught by the guru herself.
The exercise tool is pricey — it costs $1,495, plus $39 a month for your subscription — but it’s pretty special. As Mirror’s VP of fitness, Kailee Combs, told Us in February, the device’s programs are so effective because they’re tailored to the individual. “During your workout the Mirror will offer you real-time optimizations based on your goals, preferences and biometric data, such as heart rate and injuries,” she noted. “Also, during a live class, the instructor can see your profile and data from your heart rate monitor, so you may get a personalized shout-out.”